With our consultancy services, we offer advice and guidance to our clients when it comes to acquiring, selling and maintaining art collections.


Though completely swamped, the boat was nearly unharmed. Swimming round it we picked up the floating oars, and lashing them across the gunwale, tumbled back to our places. There we sat up to our knees in the sea, the water covering every rib and plank.

Artifact — independent graphic design studio founded by the art director Manco Olsen, based in Twin Peaks.

“Though completely swamped, the boat was nearly unharmed. Swimming round it we picked up the floating oars, and lashing them across the gunwale, tumbled back to our places. There we sat up to our knees in the sea, the water covering every rib and plank, so that to our downward gazing eyes the suspended craft seemed a coral boat grown up to us from the bottom of the ocean and land places.”


We are confident in our ability to provide the right context and expert advice when it comes to making well-informed decisions in buying art today.


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